Helped over 5,500 Parents Since 2010
Get to Know Me
and My Philosophy

This has been my journey so far – totally unplanned and so fulfilling and rewarding! I look forward to continue learning and growing more!
I hope to help you through the challenges that parenthood may be bringing your way.
Please don’t hesitate to Contact Me if you would like to discuss your situation.
Ajita Gopal Seethepalli
Parent Coach
Hi, I'm Ajita Gopal Seethepalli, a Child Sleep and Child Food Habits Consultant (based in Mumbai, India). I use behavioural coaching to help develop healthy habits in children. Since 2010, I have been living my passion and my dream of helping parents and children across the globe through concrete, customized, step-by-step, solutions that are backed by science and the love of a mama so that they can reclaim their joy in parenthood!
My journey - from successfully solving my son's sleep challenges, to professionally educating myself in the field of sleep and parenting, and developing a career helping other parents - is well captured in the article Mumbai Mirror "The Lullaby Lady".
As a Parent Coach, and given the intimate interactions with mothers, I often became a sounding board for moms who were silently battling and suffering the harmful effects of Postpartum Depression or Anxiety. Given the limited awareness in India on Maternal Mental Health, many mothers are unfortunately suffering in silence! So, I decided to educate myself in Counselling and Psychotherapy and since 2016 my world grew to include Maternity Mental Health.
I have been very blessed and fortunate to help thousands of Parents. What I am particularly proud of, in addition to the heartfelt Love Letters I have received, is that most of my clients come to me through referrals and word of mouth.
Certified Child Sleep Consultant - International Parenting & Maternity Institute
Member International Association of Child Sleep Consultants
Member of Association of Professional Sleep Consultants
Certified Adult Sleep Science Coach (Spencer Institute)
PCI College Ireland (Counselling & Psychotherapy)
Certified Postpartum Depression Coach
Trained Reiki Master & Chakra Healer

In Pictures
From being a Mother (still my most important and favorite part of life) becoming a Child Sleep Consultant, a Child Behavior Consultant, and a Women's Maternal Mental Health Coach.
It has been a joyous ride!!

Countryside near Gurgaon

Ajita Seethepalli, as a Baby Sleep Expert, at a Procter & Gamble Baby Product Launch in Mumbai.

Ajita Seethepalli, as a Child Sleep Consultant, at a P&G event in Mumbai.

Countryside near Gurgaon
& Approach
Want a sense of what its like to talk / consult with me? Thought it would be good to share this video
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