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Ajita Gopal Seethepalli
Mar 14, 20202 min read
Swaddling Babies and How To Wean Your Babies Off It
We bring our babies home from hospital tightly swaddled and fast asleep....and it feels so cuddly holding a swaddled baby. We bring our...
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Ajita Gopal Seethepalli
Feb 1, 20202 min read
Is Comfort Feeding Getting in the Way of Your Baby's Sleep?
He is not hungry but still wants to feed because he is sleepy? Does he wake up several times to suckle for a few minutes or sometimes severa
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Ajita Gopal Seethepalli
Jul 9, 20193 min read
Preparing your Toddler for Baby #2
t is not easy for a child who has always been the center of attention to share that space with another baby. An invariably a lot of atten...
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Ajita Gopal Seethepalli
Jun 5, 20192 min read
My Child is Head Banging? How worried should you be?
Head banging is a behavior where there child repeatedly hits his head against their mattress, pillow, crib, headboard, or sometimes even...
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Ajita Gopal Seethepalli
Jul 9, 20183 min read
Baby Sleep Regressions. What Are They And How to Deal With Them?
I find that when parents are aware of an oncoming sleep regression and know how to handle it, the experience is not as daunting – and the pr
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Ajita Gopal Seethepalli
Mar 25, 20182 min read
How Much Sleep Does My Child Need?
Many parents I speak to underestimate how much sleep their child actually needs. In fact, when I tell them the number of hours their...
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Ajita Gopal Seethepalli
Mar 1, 20182 min read
Is Cry-It-Out the Only Way to Sleep Train?
This can be effective in sleep training some babies. But some parents find that this approach may just not suit their parenting style.
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Ajita Gopal Seethepalli
Jan 7, 20183 min read
5 Tips to Help Your Child Create Good Sleep Habits
Babies love routines. They love to have some level of predictability. This applies to their sleep and sleep methods. Inconsistencies with...
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Ajita Gopal Seethepalli
Apr 7, 20173 min read
Importance of Healthy Sleep Habits in Toddlers
When our children have sleep issues we are told by well-meaning friends and family that our children will grow out of it as they grow up.
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Ajita Gopal Seethepalli
Mar 25, 20171 min read
Sleep & Link to Diseases (Some Sleep Gyan!!)
I am sharing a couple of easy to understand visuals below that summarise the steps involved in the cycle of sleep and how inadequate sleep..
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Ajita Gopal Seethepalli
Mar 25, 20174 min read
Little Kids...Big Temper Tantrums!!!
Don’t worry too much if your child occasionally displays a temper tantrum. It’s just part of growing up. But do monitor your own reactions
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Ajita Gopal Seethepalli
Feb 1, 20176 min read
Bad Vs. Healthy Food Options For Our Children
On television, we are bombarded with advertisements that promote tasty, healthy, low fat, low sugar, "Taste Bhi Health Bhi" food. But...
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Ajita Gopal Seethepalli
Feb 1, 20172 min read
Best Time to Sleep Train Babies
It's not like you can't sleep train after, but just that the work and effort involved gets increased as that child grows up.
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