Helped over 5,500 Parents Since 2010
My troubles were two fold. My 2 yo breastfed multiple times through the night ie. waking up multiple times at night, and was the most fussy eater anyone in my family has seen. So when I called Ajita to enquire, if I could get help to wean her off and get her to eat decently and sleep continuously. Ajita patiently and kindly heard me out for 20 minutes and explained briefly how she would help me. On our appointment day, she went step by step in how I could bring about the changes, how to address my childs reaction and most important she also gave me insights into how my child was perceiving my action - that was a big one for me!
It was not always easy, but when I felt demotivated I would write to Ajita and she has the super power when she gently encourages you and you feel fully charged to go on with it.
It took me about 1.5 month by the time I could say my child is much better in eating. Now 3 months later things are so much better. Ajita is really well informed on these topics and I strongly, whole-heatedly recommend her to all parents struggling with sleep, food and discipline issues.
Sheena & Raj Gupta, Mumbai
My 3 yo Krish refused most foods that were made. We struggled a lot. I really tried every solution i could find online, i read tons of books, met nutritionists, pediatricians, all kinds of specialists. My husband and I put a genuine effort trying all the advice. When he started play school and day care, they provided food but he wouldn't eat and would be super cranky when we picked him up.
Even though we knew of Ajita from before we resisted it because we somehow felt it couldn't work on an online consultation. But at last we decided to give it a try too. Ajita is very straight forward and we really appreciate that.
She told us right in the beginning that change will take time and a decent amount of effort...are you willing to do it? When we said yes she explained the steps patiently over a 2 hour session, reasoning out each step, explaining the child's perspective and why and how the step will help him. She gave us a 5 step plan which panned out over a month.
The first week was crazy at our end but we kept at it as Ajita suggested. Then slowly I saw that my son was asking for food and was even willing to try a few new foods. He started asking questions about food. Now its been 1.5 months. We have come a long way!
The boy who only ate aalo parantha for 3 meals now now eats the same food we eat at home including karela which even I don't eat :) Thank you dear Ajita for keeping us focused and on track and always giving us the credit for the success.
Janki & Prashant, Mumbai
I hoped sending my 2.5 yo to playschool would improve his food habits but it just brought a lot more complaints from the teachers. He was extremely fussy with his food. When I contacted Ajita she told me I had to also work on his sleep habits - I was very disheartened then because I had no energy to work on sleep and food but she explained everything so logically to me that I went along with it. The first week was a nightmare but I stuck on because Ajita had pre warned me about it. After that it was like magic! I would keep seeing some small improvement. More importantly the stress levels were down at home.
While my reason to contact Ajita was food, we landed up addressing his sleep, his tantrums, my overall parenting, and ofcourse food. It took me a focussed 2 months, and what a difference I see in my child. He is happier, healthier and more energetic. Thank you very much Ajita. My family is always grateful..we have learned so much from you.
Minal P, Mumbai
What do you do when your 2 year old refuses to eat food but only drinks small portions of milk all day. You call Ajita :)! Ajita you were my saviour. I surely couldnt have made the change by myself. It has taken me 3 months to go from only milk and on good days some cerelac to now no cerelac and only proper home cooked food, fruits, salads and 2 glasses of milk.
I feel so proud of my achievement...couldnt have done it without you! We are forever in your debt!
Ramya T, Bangalore
When I introduced solids at 6 months I expected it to be the turning point to my baby's incessant wake ups. But it didn't do anything-in fact things got worse!
I found Ajita on a Mommy Group, highly recommended by others who had worked with her. During the sleep program she even pointed out the mistakes I was making with her solids. I was very lucky with sleep training because my baby's sleep patterns improved within a few days itself and has stayed that way since. When my daughter was 18 months old she became very picky with her food and so we started showing her the screen and entertaining her like crazy to eat each meal - which was never under 1 hour.
So I reached out to Ajita again to work her magic on my daughter. And she did!
This time it took some time though- we went through almost 2 weeks of agony...and then magic started happening!! Today my daughter is nearing her 2nd birthday and I can confidently say if I didn't contact Ajita for my baby's sleep and eating habits we wouldn't have been enjoying our parenting experience as we do today. Thank you so very much!
Sonakshi C, Mumbai
Parenting is hard work and it is harder when you have no clue what to do and what not to do. I read a lot of parenting books but they are so generic and rarely worked for my son. At 2 years my son would hit, scream all the time and even bite people. I spoke to my pediatrician, read up extensively, was even sent to a couple of child counsellors. All I got from them was labels for my child .. stubborn, difficult, ADHD, autistic and what not! By the time my son was nearly 3, his hitting was getting worse, he would shout and scream all the time and threaten to bite or hit even for small insignificant things. He had also become an extremely difficult eater which is why I initially contacted Ajita.
I kept reading " she is an angel" " its magic" etc and used to think it cant be true, till I did my consultation. She really is an angel and she does magic :)
My gratitude to you is unending. Today we have the sweetest young boy who doesn't bite at all, very rarely hits or shouts. His eating issue and his behavior all slowly but surely changed. We changed how we parented him and slowly he changed too.
From the bottom of my heart - Thank you always!
Roshini B
My nearly 3 year old son hated eating. I felt he was surviving on air. I did everything you can imagine including force feeding, iPad, lots of shouting and threats. I hated feeding him. I would be angry and in tears after every meal. When I heard of Ajita, I had low expectations because I had read so many books and articles, been to so many doctors, and nutritionists but nobody had given me any results. But when his playgroup teacher told me Ajita had helped her 4 years ago with her daughters food problem and she is a very good eater, I had to try.
I will admit I was very uncomfortable to try some of Ajitas methods initially, and I wanted to give up many times because it was really not easy. But every time I wrote to Ajita she would motivate me to stay on track. She is really amazing! After 15 really tough days, I slowly started to see small changes. In 1.5 months my son was eating on his own, no iPad, no forcefeeding, no shouting, no threats.
Now its been 6 months since I started the program and my son is a completely different child when it comes to food – we can even go out to eat with him. I cant believe we make so many mistakes as parents because there is so little good guidance for us. Thank you Ajita. You know how important you are to us 😊
Devika J, Bangalore
Smileys, fries, chips, biscuits and juice...No problem!!! Neel would eat them without any fuss. But dal, roti and sabzi was a constant battle. We knew that chips and biscuits were bad for him, but we would give them to him anyway just to get him to take some food...and we always felt guilty after. Thankfully, a friend introduced us to Ajita. Now a meal of roti, subzi, dal, and dahi is eaten up with no fuss. Even my mother is surprised with how quickly Neel changed for the better.
Suresh & Shikha B, Delhi
There was not a single day when my son used to eat without watching videos and it would take as much as one hour for him to finish his lunch.. Now thanks to you he finishes his meals without watching any videos and all by himself, and that too in less than 20 minutes. The meal time now has become so wonderful. He is trying new stuff and completely enjoying his meals.
Thank you so much Ajita. I wish I had consulted you earlier .
Name Withheld, Mumbai
I was spending up to 1.5 hours chasing Neel each meal to get him to eat. Everyone I spoke to said that is just the way it is....but I couldn't handle it. It was taking a toll and time away for me to do other things. Ajita's plan required me to be committed at the start, but it has worked!!
I am amazed Neel eats without much of a fuss, sits at the dining table, and is trying new foods and vegetables. I am much happier because I have time to do other things.
Meenakshi B, Pune
My son was always fussy right from when he was a baby. At two years old, there were only a few items he would eat. Roti, chicken, and cheese...and milk. Sometimes, he wouldn’t even touch these. Any fruits or vegetables, rice etc. would be impossible. He wouldn’t even try them. This made me so angry.
After speaking to you , I was able to calm down. After implementing your plan, in less than 2 weeks, he now eats every meal I put in front of him now. Thank you very much and god bless!!
Supriya, Gurgaon
Ajita thank you so much for your guidance. It worked wonders for me :))
Preeti M, Kolkatta
Thanks for your plan and insights regarding my daughter’s diet and eating habits. You were so right with your recommendation to ration milk. That simple change made a big difference. Now she is much more open about trying new dishes and generally finishes her whole meal.
Manju, Gurgaon
I want to share with you that your eat right program has done wonders with Aanya. Meal times are no longer a struggle. She is enjoying her food now. She sits down and finishes her food on her own now without fuss. All the best for all your endeavors and may god give all the heights in your efforts.
Aarti A, Gurgaon
I used to feel like pulling my hair out whenever I was trying to get my son (Raghav) to eat. Every meal was a challenge. While I was motivated by motherly love to put something healthy into his body, he clearly was not interested in my plan. Meals are such a pleasant experience now. Raghav sits down, eats what is on his plate by himself, and does not fuss. I am soooo happy with him now at meal times. Thanks for all your good advice!
Bhavna, Delhi
For the longest time, whenever I spoke to other mothers, we would talk about how our children don’t eat well and how difficult it is to feed them. We all just assumed that there was nothing we could do about it. Thank you Ajita for sitting down to understand my daughter’s behaviour patterns and developing a plan to help her start eating better. I can’t believe how easy it has been to implement the plan. We started seeing improvements within 2 days.
We think of you every meal time ;) Highly recommend you to all parents with picky eaters!!!
Leena S, Mumbai
When I first heard about you, my daughters were driving me crazy with their constant food demands. I would have to make 2 different breakfasts and dinners every day, since they didn't like to eat the same things. Life has become a lot simpler now and my daughters are so sweet and cooperative.
Hema S., Gurgaon
When I put their meals in front of my kids, they would pick away at their plates and tell me that they "didn't like this food" and throw tantrums. And then 10 minutes later they would start begging for all kinds of snacks! We tried everything everybody told us would work but nothing ever least not in the long run.
Ajita's methods worked like magic... amazingly simple, and great results!
Puja, Gurgaon
Thanks for your guidance. It worked wonder for me.
After following just a few of the things you recommended, I'm thrilled to report that Rishav and Pranav are like two new children... There is no more whining for milk and snacks all day long. Mealtimes are so much better... and as civilized as meals can be with a 2 and 5 year old.
Thanks again for your advice and support through the process!
Chitra N. , Singapore